Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association

people in stadium seats


A Membership Driven Organization

The Association provides a platform for over 550 voluntary members to voice concerns related to interscholastic athletics by providing representative opportunities to address issues collectively, promoting open dialogue and collaboration throughout the state through its committees.

  • The MIAA is comprised of more than 380 member schools
  • Athletic leagues house the majority of member schools
  • Each athletic league exists within a District Athletic Committee (DAC) that represents nine (9) geographical regions of the Commonwealth
two women in red shirts hold an MIAA plaque

Organizational Structure

In our ongoing attempt to serve the membership, it is imperative that we provide clarity regarding the adopted systems and processes needed to carry out our collective purpose.


The Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association’s (MIAA) Organizational Analysis and the Executive Director’s Plan for Growth and Improvement were presented and approved at two consecutive Board of Directors meetings in 2022 (February and March). This analysis concluded that the status quo was not an option. The Plan for Growth and Improvement utilized our stated core values and beliefs to guide the Association’s priorities. At the forefront of the objectives within the plan was a Governance Initiative, resulting in a Constitutional Revision adopted at the 2023 Annual Meeting. 

  • Ensure the implementation and adherence to the policies set forth by the Board of Directors and the rules and regulations set forth by the membership. 
  • Effectively articulate rationale for all decisions made that are consistently applied and acted upon with fidelity. 
  • Codify a “backbone in writing” and recommend to the Board of Directors and to the Assembly (when applicable) systems and processes that provide clear roles and responsibilities that lead to consistent implementation for the membership. 
  • Develop an organizational structure of oversight and support that is legally sound and fiscally responsible.
  • Delineate clear lines of absolute and advisory authority 

Serves as the Nominating Committee of the Association, appoints a principal and athletic director to each MIAA Sport Committee, and acts on all co-operative and middle school students on high school team's requests within their districts.

Organization of Committees

The Assembly organizes official committees to be responsible to the Board of Directors between annual meetings. All official committees shall report to the Assembly at annual meetings and at special meetings of the Assembly as requested.

The powers and duties of any committee shall be those needed to regulate and control the activity it sponsors; however, these duties and powers may be designated in detail by the Board of Directors or by the Assembly.

Each committee shall choose its own chair and vice chair. The chair shall call meetings as needed and assume in the work of the committee. In the absence of the chair, the vice chair shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the chair. Each committee shall choose a secretary. A secretary shall keep the records of the meeting and shall send copies of these draft records withing seven days of the committee meeting to the Executive Director. Once approved, the finalized minutes will be appropriately posted within 48 hours. The chair or their designee shall attend meetings of the Board of Directors as requested by the Board or by the Assembly.

MIAA Organizational Structure

Committee Member Login

Members must login with their account information to access all documents and resources.

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Looking to Join a Committee?

Contact your district representative if interested in joining a committee.

Standing Committees

Advises on sports medicine issues as they relate to rules writing, programs, and services; monitors and disseminates information relating to sports medicine; works with the MIAA to educate the constituency on sports medicine issues.

Provides leadership and service designed to improve interschool relations in athletics; ensures interscholastic athletics are conducted within reasonable bounds, encouraging all that is honorable and sportsmanlike.

Regulates the state tournament by developing uniform standards and procedures for determining championships at the end of the season.

Advises on all issues related to game officiating and rules enforcement during regular season and MIAA tournament play.